Diffusion Model
Diffusion model is defined as a Markov chain of diffusion steps to slowly add random noise to data and learn to reverse the process to construct data from the noise.
Forward Process
Given a data \(x_0\sim q(x)\), a sequence of noisy samples \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_T\) is generated by adding gaussian noise to the data step by step. The step sizes are controlled by a variance schedule \(\{\beta_t\in (0,1)\}_{t=1}^T\).
\[\begin{aligned} q(x_t\vert x_{t-1}) &= \mathcal{N}(x_t\vert \sqrt{1-\beta_t}x_{t-1}, \beta_t I) \\ q(x_{1\colon T}\vert x_0) &= \prod_{t=1}^T q(x_t\vert x_{t-1}) \end{aligned}\]As \(T\to\infty\), the distribution of \(x_T\) approaches an isotropic gaussian distribution. Let \(\alpha_t = 1-\beta_t\) and \(\bar{\alpha}_t = \prod_{s=1}^t\alpha_s\), the above process can be written as a closed-form solution using repameterization trick:
\[\begin{aligned} q(x_t\vert x_{t-1}) &= \mathcal{N}(x_t\vert \sqrt{\alpha_t}x_{t-1}, (1-\alpha_t)I)& \\ &= \sqrt{\alpha_t}x_{t-1} + \sqrt{1-\alpha_t}\epsilon_{t-1}& \epsilon_{t-1}\sim\mathcal{N}(0, I) \\ &= \sqrt{\alpha_t\alpha_{t-1}}x_{t-2} + \sqrt{\alpha_t(1-\alpha_{t-1})}\epsilon_{t-2} + \sqrt{1-\alpha_t}\epsilon_{t-1}& \\ &= \sqrt{\alpha_t\alpha_{t-1}}x_{t-2} + \sqrt{1-\alpha_t\alpha_{t-1}}\bar{\epsilon}_{t-2}& \bar{\epsilon}_{t-2}\text{ is a mixture of }\epsilon_{t-1}\text{ and }\epsilon_{t-2} \\ &= \dots & \\ &= \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}x_0 + \sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\epsilon& \\ q(x_t\vert x_0) &= \mathcal{N}(x_t\vert \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}x_0, (1-\bar{\alpha}_t)I) \end{aligned}\]Two gaussians \(\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_1^2 I)\) and \(\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_2^2 I)\) can be mixed into a gaussian \(\mathcal{N}(0, (\sigma_1^2+\sigma_2^2)I)\). The variance of the gaussian \(x_t\) refers to the sum of the variances of the noise at each step, which is \(\sum_{s=1}^t\beta_s\).
Reverse Process
A model \(p_{\theta}\) is trained to reverse the process by learning the conditional distribution \(p_{\theta}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t)\).
\[p_{\theta}(x_{t-1}\vert x_t) = \mathcal{N}(x_{t-1}\vert \mu_\theta(x_t, t), \Sigma_\theta(x_t, t))\]The conditional probability can be written as conditioned on \(x_0\):
\[\begin{aligned} q(x_{t-1}\vert x_t, x_0) &= \mathcal{N}(x_{t-1}\vert \tilde{\mu}_(x_t, x_0), \tilde{\beta}_t I) \\ \end{aligned}\]According bayes’ rule, the mean and variance can be parameterized as follows:
\[\begin{aligned} \tilde{\beta}_t &= \frac{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\beta_t \\ \tilde{\mu}_t(x_t, x_0) &= \frac{\sqrt{\alpha_t}(1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1})}{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}x_t + \frac{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}\beta_t}{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}x_0 \\ x_0 &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}}(x_t - \sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\epsilon) \\ \tilde{\mu} &= \frac{\sqrt{\alpha_t}(1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1})}{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}x_t + \frac{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}\beta_t}{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\frac{1}{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}}(x_t - \sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\epsilon) \\ &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_t}}(x_t-\frac{1-\alpha_t}{\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}}\epsilon) \end{aligned}\]Thus, the reverse process can be written as:
\[x_{t-1} = \mathcal{N}(x_{t-1}\vert \frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_t}}(x_t-\frac{1-\alpha_t}{\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}}\epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)), \frac{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\beta_t I)\]It can be shown that all we need to do is to learn the noise \(\epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)\), equivalent to learning the noise \(\epsilon_\theta(\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}x_0 + \sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\epsilon, t)\)
Advanced Topics
Parameterization of \(\beta\)
Usually, we can afford a larger update step when the sample gets noisier, so \(\beta_1< \beta_2< \ldots < \beta_T\) and therefore \(\bar{\alpha}_1 > \bar{\alpha}_2 > \ldots > \bar{\alpha}_T\).
Parameterization of Variance
Since learning a variance leads to unstable training, the variance is usually set to a fixed value \(\frac{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\beta_t\).
Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model
DDIM makes it possible to train the diffusion model up to any arbitrary number of forward steps but only sample from a subset of steps in the generative process.
\[q_{\sigma, s<t}(x_s\vert x_t, x_0) = \mathcal{N}(x_s\vert \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_s}(\frac{x_t-\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t}\epsilon_\theta^t(x_t)}{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}})+\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_s-\sigma_t^2}\epsilon_\theta^t(x_t), \sigma_t^2I)\]Latent Variable Space
Latent diffusion model runs the process in a latent space \(z_t\) instead of the data space \(x_t\), which is more efficient and can be used to process multi-modal data.
Model Architecture
There are two common architectures for diffusion models: U-Net and Transformer.
For more details, please refer to Lilian Weng’s blog.