an archive of posts from this year

Dec 23, 2023 Linear Shift-Invariant Systems
Dec 21, 2023 Decision Tree
Dec 20, 2023 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Dec 19, 2023 Ensemble Learning
Dec 18, 2023 Linear Regression
Dec 16, 2023 Generative Classifier
Dec 16, 2023 Linear Discriminant Classifier
Dec 12, 2023 a post with TikZJax
Dec 06, 2023 Adversarial Search
Dec 05, 2023 Sovling Problems by Searching
Dec 04, 2023 First-Order Logic
Dec 04, 2023 Logic Agents
Dec 01, 2023 Parameter Estimation
Nov 23, 2023 Color System
Nov 14, 2023 Information Retrieval
Nov 11, 2023 Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Nov 10, 2023 Evaluation in Data Science
Nov 09, 2023 Logistic Regression
Nov 01, 2023 Machine Learning
Oct 18, 2023 Normalization Form
Oct 18, 2023 Functional Dependencies
Oct 17, 2023 Relational Algebra
Oct 12, 2023 Image Restoration
Oct 12, 2023 Fourier Transform
Oct 12, 2023 Convolution
Oct 10, 2023 Spatial Filtering
Oct 10, 2023 Point Operation
Sep 20, 2023 Covariance
Sep 01, 2023 Probability Distribution
Sep 01, 2023 Reinforcement Learning
May 12, 2023 a post with custom blockquotes
Mar 20, 2023 displaying beautiful tables with Bootstrap Tables
Feb 11, 2023 Eigenvalue and eigenvector
Feb 10, 2023 Vector
Jan 03, 2023 Basic Linux Commands
Jan 02, 2023 Linux tutorial